Game Game PC TOP : 5 Tahun Terakhir

Konnichiwa.. Akhirnya libur setelah UAS pun datang ^^ dan untuk liburan kali ini aku akan kasih referensi TOP tentang game PC yang emang

booming di 5 tahun terakhir ini, aku ga bsa jelasin 1 per 1 (soalnya buanyak bangeet)

























































































Pasca Liburan : Museum Satwa dan Batu Secret Zoo, Jawa Timur

Halo semuanya, akhirnya setelah sekian lama tidak menyentuh blog ini saya kembali lagi di malam terkhir liburan 😦 .

pertama-tama maaf sekali banyak comment yang tertelantarkan memang selama liburan blog ini gak pernah di cek cek, really sorry~ 😥

Oke, kembali ke isi Postingan, kali ini tentang pengalaman liburan kemaren, tenang aja di sini aku 100% PROMOSI tempat wisata dan bukan curhat tentang liburan ^^ . soalnya setelah liburan tahun ini aku jd tau kalo tempat liburan di Indonesia gak kalah sama liburan di luar negri 😉 asal kalian tau tempatnya so kita mulai aja..

Penginapan, biasanya kalo liburan yang pertama kali kita cari adalah Hotel ato tempat menginap, nah biasanya harga hotel di tempat tempat wisata naik (maaf) dua kali lipat, dan biasanya udah full booking . nah kalo kalian ada rencana mau liburan ke malang gak usah kawatir karna di daerah batu tepatnya di songgoriti di  ada bejibun villa yang bisa kita sewa dengan harga miring dan gak perlu booking. biasanya mereka menyewakan 1 rumah dengan beberapa kamar tapi ada juga yang per kamar harga sewanya berkisar antara 450 – 750 an perkamar untuk yang villa.

Museum Satwa dan Secret Zoo,

mungkin pertamakali kalian denger nama tempat wisata diatas kalian udah bosen duluan karna paliing paling isinya cuma hewan ? kalo iya kalian SALAH BESAR, karna Museum Satwa dan Secret Zoo di Jatim Park menurutku adalah the best Mseum and the best Zoo I ever seen ! hohoho bukannya melebih lebihkan tapi tempat ini emang bener – bener Wonderful

pertama, dengan hanya membayar 50ribu rupiah (hari biasa 40ribu) kita udah bisa masuk ke dua tempat tersebut yang gedenya halah – halah ( habis itu kaki ku memar memar :P) dengan bangunan, arsitek, penataan konsep, macam binatang, tempat yang kualitasnya jempolan ! gak kalah deh sama bangunan bangunan di Sentosa island di Singapore hehe. beneran gak akan nyesel pernah ke situ,

di Museum Satwa kita di suguhi berbagai macam hewan yang sudah di air keras mulai dari rangka dinosaurus super gede yang ada di hall, binatang binatang yang kita gak akan pernah jumpai dalam keadaan hidup, macam macam satwa dari penjuru dunia hingga kupu kupu yang namanya susah di sebutin ^^ , selain itu kita juga dapet informasi informasi menarik tentang hewan hewan kyak “taukah kamu kalo semut bisa mengangkat beban 10x berat tubuhnya ?” dan kamu gaakan kehabisan tempat untuk berfoto-foto ria !! karna bangunan depannya aja udah keren gitu kayak di Museumnya filem Night at the Museum malah menurutku gede-an ini 😉 motto nya aja museum berskala internasional lho ! ( I truely agree with that )

terus kalo di  Secret Zoo di sini tempatnya hewan hewan hidup, aku saranin sih mending ke museumnya dulu, soalnya disini tempatnya lebih gede dari museumnya hahaha kalo gak ke museumnya dulu pasti dari Secret Zoo nya udah kecapean, nah di Secreet Zoo hewan hewannya juga gak kalah komplit sama yang ada di Museum (tp jelas ga ada dinosaurusnya ^^) pandangan pertama ku tentang Secret Zoo adalah Aku harus tulis sesuatu tentang tempat ini ! yap tempatnya amazing *_* aku suka kandang hewannya cukup luas, juga bener bener mencerminkan habitat aslinya dan BERSIH ! disana kita bisa foto sama hewan hewan juga lho kayak sama Ular, burung kakak tua, anak Singa, bisa mancing Singa juga ! kasih makan gajah 😀 foto bareng Gorila raksasa, dan hewan hewan yang kita lihat gak membosankan karna emang buanyak buanget lho, ada ikan lucu yang punya kaki ( kyak yang ada di tv ^^ ), ada belalang daun yang bener bener kayak daun (yang pernah bikin heboh di tv -_-“), sampe tikus gede pun ada ! hohoho bener bener kebun binatang yang unik 😀 daisuki desu ❤

Oya, satu lagi kalo kalian mau ke Malang dan ngelewatin Kediri jangan lupa mampir di Tugu SGL untuk foto foto ^^ soalnya tugu ini mirip banget sama yang ada di Paris ‘Arc De Triomphe’

Uaa~ keren banget yaa Jawa Timur ? walau pun aku bukan warga di jawa Timur tapi aku bener bener ikut bangga sama kotanya yang indah ! Malang, Kediri Fighting ! semoga aja kota kota di berbagai pelosok di Indonesia semakin berkembang ke arah yang lebih positif.. amin. aku tau masih banyak tempat wisata di Indonesia yang gak kalah sama luar, so mari kita suport pariwisata indonesia ! hohoho~

List Film 1 : Film Horror

Liburan sebentar lagi !! yap, dan liburan gak akan seru tanpa film ! ini dia list-list film yang bisa kita tonton di liburan kali ini berdasarkan genre-genre nya.. disini aku bakal nge”rate” film nya sesuai dgn tingkatan genre masing2 (ex kalo film horor tingkatan keseremannya dll) ok, dimulai dari film Horror, check it out.

The Ring 1 & 2

the ring

rate : 5/5

filem barat dari remake film horor jepang yang terkenal dengan   “Sadako”nya  dan dengan twisted ending nya  membuat film ini bener-bener worth untuk ditonton, film pertamanya bercerita tentang seorang jurnalis yang mencari tahu tentang kematian saudaranya, dan berujung pada kenyataan bahwa ia sendiri terancam jiwanya setelah menonton film yang menyebabkan saudaranya meninggal, selama 7 hari sebelum kematiannya ia mencari tahu penyebab kejadian kejadian aneh yang ia alami yang berujung pada ending yang tidak akan kita duga, film yang kedua adalah lenjutan film yang pertama namun saya lebih merekomendasikan The Ring yang pertama memang lebih menyeramkan dan tidak terduga.

The SAW series 

rate : 5/5

Final Destination series

rate : 5/5

Film horor yang satu ini tentu sudah tidak asing lagi, sekarang inipun Final Destination seris sudah sampai yang ke 5 pada akhir Agustus 2011 nanti, walaupun dari film pertama hingga film ke empatnya tidak ada persamaan dalam jalan cerita ( ga tau yang ke 5 )tapi inti dari film ini tetap sama yaitu pemeran utamanya dapat mengalami kejadian yang akan ia alami yang merupakan kematian nya dan orang orang di sekitarnya, dia mencegah hal tersebut terjaadi namun berturut turut kematian tetap mengikuti nya. untuk sekedar pertimbangandari yang paling bagus ke paling jelek urut dari film 1 ke 4

Sorority Row

rate : 3.5/5

6 orang sahabat merencanakan sebuah lelucon untuk salah satu kekasih mereka, namun tanpa sengaja mereka malah melakukan pembunuhan kepada sahabat mereka sendiri, karna tidak mau kejadian tersebut merubah masa depan, maka angota Theta Pi yang lain berusaha untuk menyembunyikan kejadian tersebut dan hidup seperti biasa, namun saat hari kelulusan satu per satu angota Thera Pi dibunuh oleh seseorang yang misterius. direkomendasikan untuk ditonton bareng temen temen 😛


rate : 5/5

filem horror thriller dari Thailan yang jempolan dengan twisted ending ini bercerita tentang plim dan ploy

One Miss Call

rate : 4/5

Dead Silence

rate : 4.5/5

Coming Soon

rate : 4/5


rate : 5/5


rate : 4.5/5

Stay Alive

rate : 3.5/5

The Exorcist

rate : 5/5

Silent Hill

rate : 4/5

Drag Me to Hell

rate : 3/5


rate : 3.5/5


rate : 4/5


rate : 3/5

Paranormal Activity

rate : 3.5/5


rate : 4.5/5

Bingung pengen main game apa ? ada game game seru disini ! (PSP) UPDATE !!

Lagi pengen maen game tapi gak tau game game yang seru ? hooo jangan bingung bingung di postingan kali ini welovesunday akan membahas tentang game game seru yang bisa kamu maenin sepuasnya mpek gak kenal waktu deh ;p

1. Silent Hill (my favorite game ever!)

Game horor yang satu ini emang paling seru deh, soalnya selain kita dibuat senam jantung setengah mati kita juga dituntut untuk menggunakan otak kita untuk memecahkan semua teka-teki di game ini, selain itu khas nya game ini yaitu ada 2 dunia yang di hubungkan dengan kaca dan setiap versi dari silent hill teka-teki nya bener – bener beda ! ada beberapa jenis game Silent Hill yang bisa dimainin di console PSP

a)      Sillent Hill Origins 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

Permainan dimulai dengan seorang pria (gamer) menyelamatkan anak kecil yang terjebak dalam kebakaran setelah itu tiba tiba terbangun di rumah sakit dimana anak itu dirawat, cerita terus berlanjut sampai ternyata kejadian kejadian yang kita alami ada hubungannya dengan masalalu pria tadi. Dari semua Sillent Hill yang pernah aku mainkan dan game game lain yang berbau misteri atau teka teki, Sillent Hill Origin ini yang paling TOP ! 😀 semua teka teki nya bener bener dazling, bermutu pokoknya keren banget apalagi disini senjata yang bisa dipake lengkap dari tv, palu, pemukul baseball, sampe shot gun dan hand gun ada semua !

b)      Sillent Hill Shattered Memmory 😀 😀 😀 🙂

Tentang seorang ayah yang mencari anaknya yang tiba tiba hilang saat mengalami kecelakaan mobil, game sendiri bertujuaan untuk menemukan dimana anaknya yang hilang, dan berakhir dengan ending yang gak akan kalian pernah bisa duga :D. Silent Hill yang satu ini udah modern hohoho soalnya kita bisa menggunakan Handphone yang dilengkapi kamera, gps dan tentu saja bisa untuk telpon untuk membantu memecahkan misteri yang ada di game ini, selain itu di sepanjang perjalanan cerita akan ada berbagai tes physcologic ( kurang lebih kayak gitu lah ) tapi sayngnya di game ini kita tidak bisa melawan setan setan ato lebih pantas disebut tuyul tuyul (lol) yang ada di game ini kita hanya bisa LARI SEKENCANG KENCANGNYA !!

c)      Sillent Hill Experience

yang satu ini aku belum mainin  😥 ga bisa di download lah, pas beli juga lagi error (parah) yah tapi yang jelas semua game Sillent Hill pastinya gak akan mengecewakan

*untuk sekedar informasi aja game silent hill portable selain berconsole PSP ada juga di MobilePhone lho ada Silent Hill 1 dan Silent Hill 2 yang bisa kamu download di link ini

 2.  Obscure : The Aftermath 😀 😀 😀 🙂

Masih berbicara tentang game game teka-teki horror (ini genre yang paling aku suka sih) Obscure : the Aftermath jelas gak boleh luput dari list ini, kurang lebih game ini bercerita tentang sekelompok anak muda yang menemukan bahwa mereka satu-satunya yang selamat dari terror zombie di sekolah dan mereka harus bertahan hidup sekaligus mencari cara untuk melenyapkan zombie tsb. Yang menarik dari game ini adalah kita tidak akan bermain sendiri melainkan ada dua player yang akan main ( jadi walau pun kamu main game ini sendiri akan tetap ada dua orang player yang bisa di mainkan oleh cpu atau bisa diganti sama player2 ) dan yang lebih seru lagi di game ini setiap orang mempunyai kemampuan masing masing, jadi selain kalian ditantang untuk memecahkan misteri kamu harus pintar pintar memilih karakter yang cocok untuk memecahkan kode kode berikutnya, jadi ada yang kuat untuk memindahkan beban berat, ada yang pinter hacking, ada yang pinter memecahkan kunci, ada yang lincah dsb. so, tunggu apa lagi?

3. Harvest Moon

Di PSP ada beberapa jenis Harvestmoon juga, diantaranya

  1. HarvestMoon Hero of the Leaf Valley 😀 😀 😀 😀

Karna yang satu ini udah pernah dibahas di postingan sebelumnya jadi kalian bisa baca ke postingan ini aj ya..

  1. Innocent Life : a Futuristic Harvestmoon (special series) 😀 😀 😀

Seperti judulnya HarvestMoon yang satu ini berlokasi di masa depan, dimana segala sesuatunya dibantu komputer ato robot, bahkan karakter yang kita mainin aja robot, alat “transportrasi”nya pun jadi lebih canggih yaitu buggy atau mobil kecil untuk mengeksplor  seluruh area di Volcano island yang memang sangat besar dibanding dengan game harvestmoon lainnya, untuk bercocok tanam, dan berternak pun dengan alat-alat yang canggih dan tidak akan ditemukan di HarvestMoon versi lainnya. Tujuan dari permainan adalah untuk menghilangkan kutukan yang ada di Volcano Island dengan mengumpulkan berbagai macam batu rubby.Karna Innocent Life sangat berbeda dengan HarvestMoon yang kita kenal sebelumnya menjadikannya pengalaman baru dalam memainkan game HarvestMoon.

  1. HarvestMoon Boy & Girl 😀 😀

HarvestMoon yang satu ini bisa dikatakan lebih sederhana dan simpel dari versi versi yang lainnya, tujuan utamanya hanyalah memperbaiki kebun si kakek yang tidak terawat dan berteman dengan penduduk desa, kelebihannya kita bisa memakai dua karakter yang berbeda yaitu boy atau girl dan dua duanya bisa menikah, namun kekurangannya gambar di game ini menurutku agak “merusak mata” karna seperti pixel dan sangat kecil.

Harvestmoon di PSP memang cuma ada 3, tapi kalo kamu emang HarvestMoon fanatik kamu bisa coba console lainnya, seperti Nitendo DS yang game HM nya ada bejibun ! sekitar 10 game HM !

4. War Game

game game perang kayak Dynasty Warrior gitu, game bergenre war juga merupakan salah satu favoritku, sebenarnya game war jepang ada banyak macemnya kayak Dynasty Warrior yang serinya udah sampe 6, Samurai Warrior dan Basara, juga sekuel sekuel lainnya, tapi disini aku cuma akan membahas 2 game aja yang menurutku mencangkup semuanya

  1. Orochi Warrior 2 😀 😀 😀 😀

Game ini merupakan gabungan antara Dynasty Warrior dan Samurai Warrior, semua karakternya lengkap disini, menurutku dari pada main Dynasty Warrior atau Samurai Warrior aja mending langsung memainkan game yang satu ini karna semua karakternya udah ada disini plus 13 karakter tambahan jadi totalnya ada lebih dari 90 karakter, kelebihan game ini tetep sama yaitu fitur fitur yang membuat kita gak bisa berenti mainin game ini seperti costume, weapon, banyak karakter, dan gallery. Menurutku banyaknya kerakter dan bagaimana KOEI mengambarkannya adalah dayatarik yang palaing besar buatku disini

  1. Sengoku Basara 😀 😀 😀

Sebenernya secara keseluruhan Sengoku Basara dan Orochi Warriior tidak ada bedanya, Cuma berbeda di karakter yang lebih “apik” versi Sengoku Basara di PSP menurutku jauh berbeda dengan yang ada di PS2 L yang menurutku agak merepotkan.

5.  Monster Hunter Freedom U 😀 😀  😀 😀

Game ini berseting di jaman prasejarah, ceritanya kita diselamatkan oleh penduduk desa setelah pingsan karna jatuh dari jurang, akhirnya kita menetap di desa tersebut lalu kita hidup seperti penduduk desa pada umumnya bercocok tanam, memancing, dan berternak madu. Tapi bedanya disini penduduk desa memberi kita misi-misi tertentu salah satunya untuk mengalahkan monster-monster, nahkalau kita berhasil mengalahkan monster-monster tsb kita bisa membuat kostum dan senjata dari monster tsb mana untuk mengalahkan monster bisa dengan 4 player.

UP DATE !! (1)

liburan tiba ! saatnya memenuhi PSP dengan game game seru, check out my new list !

1. God Of War

God of War adalah game action advanture yang wajib dimainin apalagi untuk para cowok cowok penggila game, dari segi game play maupun grafisnya super perfect ! di PSP pun udah ada 2 seri dari God of War yaitu

  • God of War : Chain of Olympus
  • God of War : Ghost of Spartan

perlu ditekankan sekali lagi bahwa game ini WAJIB UNTUK DIMAININ, walopun kalian udah tamat 1x gaakan bosen main itu lagi sampe berkali kali ( aku aja nametin nya mpek 16 kali wkekeke )karna setiap nametin 1x kamu akan dapet satu kostum yang punya kelebihan tertentu

2. Dente’s Inferno

Dente’s Inferno juga merupakan game action advanture sama seperti God of War banyak yang bilang kalo game ini mencontek” God of War ada juga yang bilang kalo game ini merupakan jiplakannya game Devil May Cry yang di cancle yah apapun kata orang, game ini tetap super seru untuk dimainin !  singkatnya si Dante ini berusaha menyelamatkan tunangannya yang sudah mati dan di culik roh nya oleh Lucifer, Dante pun mengejar Lucifer ke 9 tingkatan Neraka demi menyelamatkan tunangannya itu.

Selama mengarungi Neraka Dante dibekali 2 buah senjata, yaitu sabit milik the Death dan salib pemberian tunangannya. overall game ini punya kualitas yang hampir sama dengan God of War, grafis dan soundnya pun menggambarkan neraka gak akan nyesel deh meinin game yang satu ini.

3. Tekken

Siapa sih yang gak kenal sama game yang satu ini ? di PSP pun udah ada 2 series dari game ini yaitu ke 5 dan 6 tapi saat ini aku cuma akan membahas yang ke 6 aja yaitu Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebelion bagi para manic game jotos Tekkken yang satu ini menawarkan sebuah game play yang solid dan menantang. kelua dari itu karakter di tekken 6 lebih banyak dari yang sebelumnya mungkin cuma itu kelebihan dari tekken 6 dibanding yang sebelumnya tapi tetap aja game ini game yang playable

4.Grand Theft Auto


game yang sukses di PC maupun dikonsolenya pastilah gak akan mengecewakan, di PSP sendiri pun udah ada 3 series yaitu San Andreas, Liberty City dan China Town. kalo kalian tanya aku mana yang paling bagus i’ll say Liberty City ! mungkin banyak yang bakal bilang kalo China Town ( yang paling baru ) yang paling top tapi menurutku dari segi camera shoot nya dikit ga nyaman karna gambar diambil dari arah kepala jd kta liatnya dari atas gtu,

oke kembali ke GTA Liberty City, bagi para pemula gausah khawatir karna saat pertamakali memulai game kita akan diberi tips tips kecil untuk memainkan game ini

Tentunya di GTA4 ini kamu tetap bermain sebagai seorang kriminal yang terlibat dalam berbagai macam kasus kejahatan. Misi yang akan kamu jumpai sangat beraneka ragam, mulai dari mengantarkan seseorang ke suatu tempat sambil melindunginya, menjadi sniper dari atap gedung, meledakkan bangunan, mencuri mobil dan helikopter, membunuh orang-orang penting, hingga merampok bank dan dikejar-kejar polisi.

Cerita dalam game ini bisa dibilang sangat menarik. Karaktermu nantinya akan mengkhianati dan juga dikhianati. Kemudian terlibat dalam berbagai peristiwa pembunuhan. Selain itu Roman juga akan dikejar-kejar oleh para penagih hutang dan Nico harus melindunginya, hingga harus berjuang mati-matian untuk menyelamatkan si sepupu tadi. Persahabatan dan permusuhan juga muncul dalam game ini, termasuk juga adegan percintaan.

kayaknya gak adil kalo kita gak membicarakan tentang GTA China Town yah seperti yang sudah aku bilang tadi karna memang GTA yang satu ini di khususkan untuk konsole seperti PSP, Nitendo Wii dan iPhone tampilannya sengaja dibuat lebih kecil yang sebenarnya memang menggangukenyamanan saat bermain, kelebihannya new mission new character dan yang lebih penting game ini dapat nilai 9.5 di gamespot wow~

5. Jackass the Game

Bagi kamu yang suka konyol konyolan game ini adalah pilihan tepat, yap game ini merupakan adaptasi dari serial MTV Jackass, berisi stunt stunt gila, kocak dan kasar. sebenarnya ada keasyikan tersendiri memainkan game ini karna stunt stunt di game ini gak akan di temukan di game lain dan mungkin bisa membuat kita ikut ikutan jadi jackass 😛

6. Patapon

game yang sudah sampai series ke 3 ini juga jangan sampai dilewatkan, game patapon pertama sempat mengguncang dunia game psp karna geme yang sangat unik dan sempat di nominasikan sebagai game terbaik PSP hmm tentu game seperti ini benerbener jagan sampai dilewatin kan?

Patapon merupakan sebuah suku bermata satu yang berusaha untuk menjalani hidup di alam liar. Kamu akan bertindak sebagai sang Tuhan. Saat kamu memainkan Patapon 2, kamu akan menggunakan keempat tombol yang ada sebagai drum untuk memimpin suku tersebut. Setiap lagu yang kamu mainkan disini akan berperan sebagai perintah untuk kelompok tersebut dan lagu tersebut baru bisa kamu keluarkan dengan kombinasi empat tombol yang ada. kelebihannya lagi tiap sekuel makin bagus kualitas game nya jalan cerita yang lebih panjang, lagu yang lebih banyak, karakter yang lebih banyak, monster yang lebih banyak, barang yang lebih banyak, minigames yang lebih banyak dan masih banyak lagi hal lain yang membuat kamu ketagihan.

karna saking banyaknya game game yang aku suka jd binggung mau nulisnya ..orz pokoknya bakal update terus deh !

Memoar Seorang Geisha (Memoirs of a Geisha) 1997 by Arthur Golden


Bermula dari Chiyo kecil yang tinggal di desa nelayan miskin, setelah ibu nya meninggal ia dijual ke sebuah rumah geisha terkenal . tidak tahan dengan kehidupan di rumah itu membuat nya berkali kali hendak melarikan diri, dan hingga ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang akan merubah hidupnya lebih dari yang ia bayangkan, Iwamura Ken, seorang pria terhormat yang mendekatinya bahkan menghiburnya di jembatan saat ia menangis, saat itu ia bertekad menjadi seorang geisha hanya demi mendapat kesempatan bertemu lagi dengan pria itu.

Menurut ku novel ini merupak novel yang ‘enak’ dibaca dan tidak akan bisa di ‘tutup’ dengan mudah, bercerita dari sudut pandang seorang gadis yang sangat menarik baik dari gaya bicara dan penyampaiannya. Banyak review yang mengatakan novel ini menarik di sisi kebudayaan nya seperti pelajaran untuk menjadi seorang geisha ; make up tebal, tataan rambut menyakitkan yang harus dikenakan sepanjang minggu, atau persaingan antar geisha untuk mendapatkan pria – pria serta kekayaan mereka, namun menurutku novel ini jauh lebih dari pada itu novel ini membuat kita menyaksikan bagaimana mempesonanya kepribadian seorang sayuri saat ia berkata kata atau mungkin lebih tepatnya bagaimana hebatnya seorang Arthur Golden dalam menyampaikan keindahan dalam buku ini. Buku ini merupakan buku kedua favoritku setelah Pride and Prejudice oleh Jane Austen atau mungkin pertama kalau buku ini rilis duluan, yah shortly buku ini adalah buku yang harus masuk dalam list buku yang harus dibaca !!

Norwegian Wood (1987) by Haruki Murakami

Awal mula tahu buku ini sebenarnya karna aktor dari film adptasi buku ini Kenichi Matsuyama yang memang merupakan salah satu aktor jepang favoritku ( atau satu satunya karna cuma dia yang aku tau ) jelas film nya bisa dibilang tidak akan mungkin sampe ke Indonesia dan memang saat itu film nya belum di rilis,jadi akhirnya aku cari buku ini sampai ke 3 toko buku dan sama sekali tidak menyesal setelah membacanya,

Toru Watanabe karakter utama dalam novel ini bisa dibilang ‘autis’ (walaupun bukan dari arti yang sesungguhnya) seolah olah dia hidup dalam dirinya sendiri, lebih suka menyendiri dan membaca buku mungkin ini yang membuat gaya bicaranya agak aneh ( tapi ini mungkin yang membuatnya menarik ) . Setelah sahabatnya bunuh diri ia memutuskan untuk pindah ke tempat dimana tak seorangpun mengenalnya, hampir tidak punya teman. Novel ini tidak hanya menceritakan tentang Watanabe tapi juga orang orang di sekitarnya seperti Nagasawa-san teman seasramanya yang bisa dibilang sempurna dilihat dari sudut manapun, luar biasa pintar dan haus akan itu, pecandu seks, dan kontradiktif. Selain itu ada Naoko kekasih sahabatnya yang disukainya, Reiko-san dengan masalalunya, dan Midori.

Apapun tanggapan kalian setelah membaca novel ini, novel ini banyak mengajarkan tentang kehidupan yang sebenarnya ( kita hanya tidak tau ) dialami oleh hampir semua orang.


“karna itulah aku membacanya. Kalau kita membaca buku yang sama dengan yang dibaca orang lain, kita cuma bisa berpikir seperti orang lain. Watanabe, kamu tau? Di asrama ini, orang yang bisa dianggap manusia itu cuma aku dan kamu. Yang lainnya, semua kertas sampah belaka” Nagasawa-san

“tidak ada orang yang suka kesendirian. Hanya saja aku tidak memaksakan diri untuk mendapat teman, kalau memaksakan diri yang didapat hanya kekecewaan” -Toru Watanabe

“Kematian itu ada, bukan sebagai lawan tapi merupakan bagian dari kehidupan itu sendiri” Toru Watanabe

Peta Mine 1x Pukul !

biasanya di mine (tambang) kita harus berkali kali nimpuk untuk dapetin ore, tapi tidak lagi karna ada peta mine yang semua batu akan hancur pada 1x timpuk !










keterangan : ini emang gambarnya kecil kecil, kristal di depan karakternya itu yang harus di timpuk !

Pertanyaan dan jawaban seputar HarvestMoon Hero of the Leaf Valley

1. Q : Dimana kita bisa menjual hasil panen ?

A: di HM HoLV tidak ada shipment box jadi kalian bisa menjual hasil panen ke berbagai toko atau rumah penduduk contoh :

Lyla’s Flower shop – Flower, Herbs

Rune’s Item shop   – Ores

Cafe/Bar           – Cooked Food

Supermarket        – Dairy products, Fishes, Cooked food

Clove Villa        – Crops, Fishes

Carpentry          – Ores

2. Q: gimana caranya mendapatkan anjing ?

A: kamu harus mengisi tempat makan anjing (dog bowl) di depan rumah, aku saranin isi pake red herbs aja tiap hari emang butuh waktu agak lama sekitar 20 harian

3. Q: gimana cara dapet kuda ?

A: ada dua cara untuk dapet kuda yaitu beli 5000G di Bob atau dapet kuda secara GRATIS dengan cara part time tempat bob dan menyikat kuda yang paling kamu suka pertama kali

4. Q: gimana caranya dapet lumber ?

A: kamu harus kerja part time beberapa kali di tempat Woody, nanti lama kelamaan woody akan ngijinin kamu ambil lumber sendiri

5. Q: gimana caranya biar sapi sapi menghasilkan Milk Gold?

A: pertama tama para sapi harus sudah bisa menghasilkan Milk L, habis itu kamu kasih makan para sapi dengan mineral alfafa ( mineral alfafa > sebelum menanam alfafa seed taburi tanah yang udah di cangkul sama Mineral Ore )

6. Q: gimana caranya biar ayam menghasilkan telur Gold ?

A: sama kayak sapi kasih aja mineral alfafa 😉

7. Q: gimana cara memasak?

A : pesan upgrade dapur sama woody carpenter

8. Q: gimana cara dapet alat mancing ?

A: beli di Louis item shop dan bisa terus di upgrade

9. Q: gimana cara menambang ?

A: kerja part time di mine kalo udah 5x nanti kamu bisa menambang dengan leluasa hoho

10. Q: Apa Harvest Goddess bisa dinikahi?

A: Yes !

11. Q: Untuk apa fish print dari Ponta?

A: kalo udah mengumpulkan 10 dan 20 fish print kamu akan mendaatkan 2 lokasi memancing baru

12. Q: gimana cara mendapatkan ayam gratis?

A: kerja part time di tempat Ronald nanti kamu akan dapet telur, tero telur itu di inkubasi kandang ayam di perternakan mu

13. Q: apa aja bahan bahan yang bisa dipake pas horse race ?

A: green herb, mineral carots, carots, alfafa, mineral alfafa,

Kayaknya segitu dulu, kalo ada yang gak jelas atau masih ada yang ditanyakan feel free to ask 😀 very happy to help you !

New Post :25-01-2012

Halo semuanyaa,

maaf banget kalo aku ga bsa bales smua pertanyaan kalian ya^^

dan rata rata pertanyaan kalian tu ada di postinganku sebelumnya loh, belum baca kah?

1. bingung kenapa di HM ini tiba tiba berhenti di tahun ke 2 ? padahal tamat di tahun ke 3 ?

itu karna di HM ada event event yang harus kalian jalanin pertahunnya

bisa di lihat event event lengkapnya di postinganku tentang event event yg harus kmu tau clickhere

2. bingung cara menikah sama karakter cewek di HM ? dan tentang hewan peliharaan kayak kuda dan anjing ?

bisa di lihat di postinganku tentang HM Hero of the leaf Valley Karakter dan Hewan peliharaan disini ada

informasi tentang kesukaan dan tanggal ultah masing masing karakter jg cara menikah sama salah satu karakter

plus tentang hewan hewan juga clickhere

3. Mau tau tentang resep resep masakan di Harvest Moon Hero Of the Leaf Valley ? clickhere

4. Mau tau cara nambang di mines sekali pukul tanpa menguras tenaga ? clickhere

nah semua postingan postingan tadi itu semoga membantu untuk menjawab pertanyaan kalian semua

Enjoy ^^

Event event di Harvest Moon Hero of the Leaf Valley yang kamu harus tau !

yap yap di Harvest Moon Hero of the Leaf Valley ada buaanyak banget event event ( sebut aja misi misi ) yang membuat game ini gak membosankan hohoho , ada beberapa kategori even disini

[ Fixed Event ]

even ini tidak membutuhkan syarat tertentu, jadi pasti terjadi (kecuali jika hari hujan akan ditunda ke hari setelahnya atau setelahnya lagi ;p )


Spring 2  – The harvest sprites datang ke rumah

Spring 3  – Alice dan bodyguardnya memperkenalkan diri

Spring 8  – Chester dan Aulia memperkenalkan diri

Spring 23 – Alice’s warning

Summer 8  – Notice from Bob about the billboard

Fall 28   – Katie’s warning tentang the machines

Winter 2  – Mecha event

Winter 14 – Warning from Rudolf tentang the machines

Winter 20 – Mecha event- Mechanical mole (robot tikus) di mine (tambang)


Spring  2 – Warning lainnya tentang the machines dari Gwen

Spring  5 – Warning dari Woodie tentang Mechanical Tree ( robot pohon )

Spring 18 – Peringatan Bob tentang pertandingan kuda ( horse race )

Summer 10 – warning lainnya tentang the machines

Summer 14 – Warning dari Katie tentang the Mechanical Fish ( robot ikan )


Spring  1 – Kamu akan mendapatkan surat dari Ayah mu

Spring  7 – Dol gogo muncul

Spring 17 – Chester menasehatimu untuk segera menikah,  blue feather tersedia di Louis Item Shop.

— setelah ini hati para cewek gak akan menambah lagi —-

Fall    1 – Surat dari Ayah (lagi)

[ Mecha Event ]

Mecha Event atau Mechanical Event adalah event yang berpengaruh besar dalam main story line di game ini dan kamu harus menyelesaikannya secara sempurna agar Alice tetap tinggal dan LeafValley bisa terselamatkan.

Mecha event adalah event event kecil yang berupa beberapa mesin mesin buatan Alice & company

1.Mechanical crow

Location: depan flower shop.

Time: Winter 2, Year 1.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

2.Mechanical Mole

Location: Mine

Time: Winter 20, Year 1.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

3.Mechanical Tree

Location: Rumah Woody

Time: Spring 5th, Year 2.

Note: Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

4. Mechanical Horse

Location: Depan Rumah mu

Time:Spring 22, Year 2.

Note :You must have a horse to compete with it.

Completing the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

5.Mechanical fish

Location: Maple Lake.

Time: Summer 14, Year 2.

Note: Complete the event by catching 3 fishes within time limit.

Complete the event and you’ll get +10FP with Alice

6.A visit

Location: Gereja

Time: Summer 16- Fall3, Year 2.

Note: No of previous Mecha Events that you have completed will affect the

conversation dialogue.

7.Final decision

Location: Depan Rumah mu

Time: Fall 5th, Year 2.

Requirements: Must complete the precvious events.

Choose “Protect the village” in order to let Alice stay +30FP.

[ Ending Event ]

Total ada 20 ending yang berbeda di HM HoLV

ending ending itu dibagi ke beberapa kategori

Bad Ending

di akhir cerita kamu tidak bisa membayar 50.000 G ke Alice,

then mereka membangun Funland park dan game berakhir

Normal Ending

kamu membayar 50.000G ke Alice dan pembangunan dihentikan

tapi kamu tidak menyelesaikan mecha event

Great Ending

ini adalah ending yang “seharusnya” ada 16 event ending yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk menyelamatkan LeafValley tanpa harus membayar 50.000G ke Alice (kamu harus melakukan paling tidak 3 ending untuk menyelamatkan desa )

The Tale of Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail (Lyla)

The Tale of the Endangered Weasel (Gwen)

The Tale of Golden Potato Seed (Dia)

The Tale of Blue Bird (Aurelia)

The Tale of Silver Fish(Joe & Kurt)

The Hundred Years Old Cherry Tree (Parsley/Tim)

The Secret Fossil (Rudolph)

The Tale of Harvest Goddess Dress (Gina)

The Tale of Cake Contest (Katie)

The Tale of Harvest Goddess Temple(H.G)

The Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival(Ronald, Wallace,Martha)

The Holy Masterpiece (Chester)

The Tale of Horse Champion (Bob)

Louis the Inventor King (Louis)

The Legendary Baker (Ronald)


1. The Tale of Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail


1. The Rumoured Blue flower

Place: In front of your house

Time: Spring 19-24,year1.

Requirements: Be friend with Lyla (20FP).

Note: Key items received, “Blue Mist Flower seeds”

2.Place to plant the seed

Place:In front of your house

Time:Summer 2-6,year 1.

Requirements: Lyla has 1 heart(30FP), sold more than 8 crops.

Note: If you have planted the seed, it will eventually withered because the

event requires it to be like that. You can buy the seed again at

Lyla’s shop.

In this event, you’ll (re)plant the seed in the H.G Spring, you need to

water it everyday.

3.. Rumors about the Blue butterfly


Time:Summer 9-14, Year 1.

Requirements:Sell more than 12 crops.

Note: You’ll be able to ask certain people with this question

” Blue Flowers  and  Blue Butterfly”

4. Be Optimistic

Place: H.G Spring.

Time: Summer 11-30, Year 1

Requirements: you must have planted the seed and waters it everyday.

Note: After this event you wont be able to buy the Blue Mist Flower seed anymore

from Lyla’s Flower Shop.

The flower is wilted when you see this event, you can just remove it or

leave it there until the next event.You dont have to water it anymore.

5. The Withered Flower and Unrequited Love

Place:H.G Spring

Time:Autumn 7-11,Year 1.

Requirements:Lyla at 1 hearts(50FP)

6. Hatred of Winter

Place:Lyla’s flower shop

Time: Winter 24-28, Year1

Requirements:Lyla has 1 hearts(60FP), must have seen event 5

7.Crush on Louis

Place: Lyla’s flower shop

Time: Spring 9-13, Year 2

Requirements: Have seen the previous event (5,6)

8. This Year for Sure.

Place: In front of your house

Time:Summer 2-6,Year2

Requirements: have seen the previous events(5,6,7)

9. The flower has bloomed

Place: H.G Spring

time: Summer 11-29 year 2

requirements: Replant the seed and has water it for more than a week

10. The photo of the butterfly

Place: H.G Spring

Time: A few days after the previous event (the flower is fully bloomed), year2

Requirements:Lyla has at least 2 hearts(90FP), sold more than 30 crops

11. Lyla’s thanks

Place:In front of your house

Time:Autumn 6-11 year 2

Requirements: Lyla has 3 hearts or more

12. More flowers

Place: In the Flower Shop

Time: Fall 28, 10AM-5PM

Requirements: Have seen event 11

Note: You’ll be able to buy Wild Mint, Frost Pansy and Stardust seeds from

Lyla’s shop.

13.Blue Mist

Place: Harvest Goddess Spring

Time:Summer 1st, Year 3

Requirements: Have seen all the previous events

Note: You’ll find Blue Mist Flowers blooms in that area.


2. The Tale of the Endangered Weasel


The Endangered Weasel is also known as  the natural conservation monument


In this story, the main leading character is Gwen.

The story is about Gwen who seen a rare weasel passed by somewhere around the

valley. Later, Gwen found out that the weasel is injured and both of you are

going to nurse it until its healthy.

1 Don’t hurt the animal

Place: In front of your house

Time:Summer 9 – Summer 13 Year 1

Requirements: Be friends with gwen (10FP)

2 It ran away

Place: In front of your house

Time: Fall 2 – Fall 6, Year 1

Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart (15FP). Seen event 1.

Note: Now you can ask certain people about [The run away animal]

3 – Gwen’s Confession

Place:In front of your house

Time:Winter 3- Winter 8,Year 1

Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart (30FP). Have seen event 1 and 2.

4 White Weasel’s Injury

Place:In front of your house

Time:Spring 6 – Spring 10,Year 2

Requirements:Gwen has at least 1 heart(40FP). Seen event 1-3.

5. White Weasel’ Food

Place:In front of your house

Time:Spring 27 – Summer 3, Year 2

Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart or more(50FP). Seen event 1-4.

6. Want to see it?

Place: In front of your house

Time:Spring 27 – Summer 3, Year2

Requirements:Gwen has 2 hearts (60FP).Seen event 1-5.

7. Return to the Forest

Place:In front of your house

Time:Fall 1- Fall 6, Year 2.

Requirements:Gwen must have 2 hearts(70FP). Seen event 1-6.

8. Hesistation

Place:Pike Mountain

Time:Fall 12- Fall 14, Year 2. 6 PM onwards.

Requirements:Gwen has 2 hearts (80FP). Seene event 1-7.

9. Public Announcement

Place: In front of your house

Time: Fall 15- Fall 19, Year 2.

Requirements: Gwen has more than 2 hearts (90FP).Seenevent 1-8.

10.Picture of the White Weasel

Place: Pike Mountain

Time:7 PM onwards

Requirements:Seen event 9.

Note: New question added [ The White Weasel]

11. Natural Reservation for the Weasel

Place:Carpenter’s house

Time:Winter 1- Winter 7 year 2.

Requirements:Gwen has 3 hearts(100FP).

Note: New question added [ National Monument]

12. Patroling 1

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 12- Winter 16, Year 2.

Requirements: Gwen has 3 hearts (110FP). Have seen event 1-10.

13. Patroling 2

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 22- Winter 28, Year 2.

Requirements: Gwen has 3 hearts (120FP). Seen event 1-11.

14. Believing

Location: Carpenter’s House area.

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements: Seen event 1-11.

Note: You’ll see the white weasel appears at Pike Mountain.


3. The Tale of Golden Potato Seed


1.The Treasure Map

Place: In front of your house

Time: Summer 26- Autumn 1, year 1.

Requirements:Tim has 1 heart (30FP).

2.Doubtful Shadow

Place: In front of your house

Time:Summer 26-Autumn 1, year 1

Requirements:Tim has 1 hearts or more (60FP).

3. Rumor of Sacred forest

Place:Carpenter’s house

Time:Autumn11- Autumn 15, year 1. Any day except Tuesday and Thursday

Requirements: Woddie is available.

4. Lets ask the elder

Place: In front of your house

Time: Autumn 20-Autumn 24, Year 1.

Requirements: Dia has 2 hearts (70FP).

5. Sacred Forest discovered

Place: In front of your house

Time:Winter 3-Winter 7, Year 1.

Requirements:Dia has at least 2 hearts(80FP) and shipped at least 16 crops

6. Potato Seed discovered

Place:The Sacred Forest

Time: Winter 3- Winter 9, Year 1. (Can be triggered as soon after event 5)

Requirements:Dia has at least 2 hearts , shipped at least 20 crops

Note: You’ll be given 9 seeds of potato, plant them in the forest

and water them daily.

7. The potato seed

Place:The Sacred Forest

Time: 3 days after seed is planted(event 6), 10 AM onwards

Requirements:Dia has 2 hearts(80FP), and the potatoes are growing

8. The potato buds

Place: The sacred forest

Time:5 days after seed is planted(event6),10 AM onwards

Requirements:Dia has 2 hearts or more(90FP), potatoes are growing

9. Harvesting Golden Potatoes

Place:In front of your house

Time:7 days after seed is planted(event 6).

Requirements: Dia has more than 2 hearts (95FP). You’ve triggered event

6,7,8, have already shipped at least 28 crops.

10.Golden Potato Party

Place:In front of your house

Time:Summer 2-6, year 2

Requirements:Dia has 3 hearts (110FP), have shipped at least 32 crops

11.The Power of Golden Potato

Place:Clove Villa

Time:Summer 17 onwards, 8 AM onwards

Requirements: Triggered event 10

12.Dia’s dream

Place:In front of your house

Time:Fall 12, year 2

Requirements: Triggered event 11.

13.Golden Emotion

Place:Clove villa

Time: Spring 1, year 3  onwards

Requirements: have triggered event 1-10

Note: Now the Golden Potato seed is available in the Flower Shop.


8.4. The Tale of Harvest Goddess Dress                       [E84]


The Harvest Goddess Dress is also known as the Goddess Costume ending.

The main leading character for this ending is Gina.

Story starts when you talk with Gina, she said she’s interested on making the

dress worn by the Harvest Goddess. With your help will she be able to get it


1.Gina and Katie’s Conversation

Place:Ronald’s supermarket

Time:Spring 12- Spring 17, Year 1.

Requirements: Be friend with Gina (20FP).

Note: Now you can ask certain people ” Gina and Katie ” question.

2. Gina’s consulations

Place:In front of your house

Time:Summer 9 – Summer 13, Year 1.

Requirements: Gina has at least 1 heart (25FP)

Note: Choose [I see ] and you’ll get +10FP with Gina

3. Questioning the Priest

Place:In front of your house

Time:Summer 14- Summer 18, Year 1.

Requirements:Gina has almost 1 heart (30FP)

4.The Design of the dress

Place:In front of the Villa

Time:Summer 19- Summer 23, Year 1.

Requirements: Gina has at least 1 hearts (40FP)

5.Questioning H.G

Place:Harvest Goddess Spring

Time: Summer 19 -Summer 23, Year 1 (can be triggered after  event 4)

Requirements:Seen event 4

6. The Silk Thread

Place: In front of the villa

Time: Summer 19 – Fall 3, Year 1 (can be triggered after event 5)

Requirements:Seen event 5.

Note: Now you can ask certain people with [Silk Thread] question.

7. Gina and Dia’s Fight.

Place:Clove Villa

Time:Fall 4 -Fall 12, Year 1.

Requirements: Seen event 6. Gina has hearts close to 2 (70FP)

Note: You’ll need to comfort Dia. You can get the Silk from Kurt.

Key item Silk is added to your inventory

8. A request to Harvest Goddess

Place:H.G. Spring

Time: Fall 4 – Fall 13, Year 1. (Can be triggered after event 7)

Requirements: Seen event 7 and bought the silk.

9.Rainbow Silk

Place:In front of your house

Time:Fall 16- Fall 20, Year 1.

Requirements: Gina must have at least 2 hearts (80FP).

Note: Item Key Rainbow Silk is added to your inventory.

10.Delivering the Rainbow Silk

Place:Clove Villa

Time: Fall 16 –  Fall 25, Year 1. (Can be triggered after event 9)

Requirements:Seen event 9. Dia and Gina must be in the Vila.

11. The Dress is Done

Place:In front of your house

Time: Winter 25 -Winter 29, Year 1.

Requirements: Gina must have at least 2 hearts or more (100FP)

Note: You can ask [ Can I see the dress?]

12. The Acceptance of the Dress

Time:Spring 26-Spring 30, Year 2.

Requirements:Gina has at least 2 hearts or more(110FP).

Note: Now you can ask certain people with [The Famous Goddess Dress]

13.Dia’s Clothes

Place:Clove Villa

Time:Summer 15, Year 2.

Requirements:Have seen event 11.

14. Gratitudes to H.G

Place: In front of your house

Time: Fall 4, Year 2.

Requirements:Seen event 13.

15.The Secret

Place: Clove Villa

Time: Winter 11, Year 2.

Requirements:Seen event 14.

16.Dress Up

Place:Clove Villa

Time:Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements:Seen all the previous events.

Note: The protagonist will have another costume.


5. The Tale of Cake Contest


1.Searching for the Recipe

Location:In front of your house

Time:Fall 13- Fall 17, Year 1

Requirements: Be friend with Katie (30FP) and have at least 1 heart for

each animals ( 30AAP).

Note: You can find the recipe at the white drawers in your house.

Key Item “Grandma’s Recipe” is added to your inventory.

(I wonder why the recipe is in your house ? )

2.The First Prize

Location: Sunny Garden Cafe

Time: Fall 13 – Fall 27, Year 1(anytime after event 1 is triggered)

Requirements:Seen event 1

3.Collecting the Ingredients

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Fall 13 – Fall 27, Year 1 (anytime after event 2 is triggered)

Requirements: Katie has 1 heart (40FP), and 2 Hearts for the animals (80AAP)

Note: You’re required to bring Golden Egg and Golden Milk. You have time to

collect the ingredietns until summer 5,year 2.

4. The Contest is Postponed

Location:In front of your house

Time: Winter 15 -Winter 20, Year 1.

Requirements:Seen event 3. Katie has at least 1 heart(40FP) and 80 AAP.

5. The Cake Sample 1

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Winter 15 – Winter 20, Year 1.

Requirements:Katie has 1 heart or more (50FP)

6. The Cake Sample 2

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Winter 21- Winter 25, Year 1

Requirements: Katie has 1 heart or more (50FP)

Note: Choose [I’m waiting] and + 10 FP to Katie

7. The Cake Sample 3

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Winter 26 -Winter 29, Year 1

Requirements: Katie has 1 heart or more (60FP)

Note: Choose [It’ll come off] and +10FP t Katie

8. Hesistation

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Spring 2- Spring 6, year 2

Requirements: Katie has 1 heart or more (65FP). Seen event 6 and 7.

Note: Katie and Gwen will go to Lyla’s place to learn how to bake.

9.The Wise Priest

Location:In front of your house

Time:Spring 12 – Spring 19, Year 2. Any day except monday and wednesday

Requirements:Katie has heart close to 2 (70FP)

10.Moonlight Dew

Location:Maple Lake

Time:Spring 29-30, year 2 only. 9 PM

Requirements: There must be at least a girl with 3 hearts.

Note: There MUST be at least 1 girl with 3 hearts, if there’s several, the one

with the highest FP will come.

11. The Cake is Done!

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Summer 1- Summer 5

Requirements: You must have at least 1 golden egg and gold milk in your


Note: If you failed to get them, the ending is failed.

12. Contest Triumph

Location:In front of your house

Time:Summer 26 – Fall 1, Year 2

Requirements: Katie has 2 heart or more(110FP) and 200AAP

13. Original Cake

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Fall 19, Year 2. 12 PM- 5 PM

Requirements: Seen event 12.

14. Original Cake 2

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Winter 3, Year 2. 12PM – 5 PM

Requirements:Seen event 12.

15. Original Cake 3

Location:Sun Garden CAfe

Time:Winter 17, Year 2. 12PM- 5 PM

Requirements: Seen event 12.

16.Katie’s Request

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time:Spring 1, Year 3. 12 PM -5 PM

Requirements: Seen all the previous event (1-12)

Note: After the last event is done, the selling price of Milk G become 480G

and Golden Egg become 180G.


6. The Tale of Blue Bird


1. The sound of Ocarina

Location: Cafe/Bar Area

Time: Summer 16- Summer 21, Year 1. Any day except Monday.

Requirements: Be friend with Aurelia (20FP)

2. An advice to buy Ocarina

Location: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Summer 26 – Fall 1, Year 1.

Requirements:Triggered after you have ocarina.

3. Ocarina Performance 1

Location:Maple Lake

Time:Fall 7 – Fall 11, Year 1.

Requirements: You must have an ocarina. Aurellia has at least 1 heart (40FP)

Note: You will proceed to the next event even if you played horribly.

However the conversation dialogue changes.

4. Performance Rating 1

Location: Outside the Carpenter’s house

Time: Fall 7 – Fall 16, Year 1. (Can be triggered right after event 3)

Any day except Tuesday and Thursday.

Requirements:Seen event 3.

Note: You’ll get this event even if you play perfectly in even 3.

5. Performance Rating 2

Location: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Winter 3 – Winter 7, Year 1.

Requirements: Aurelia has 1 heart or more (50 FP)

6. Ocarina Performance 2

Location:Maple Lake

Time:Spring 7 -Spring 11, Year 2.

Requirements: Aurelia has 1 heart or more (60FP). Must bring ocarina along.

Note: You will proceed to the next event even if you played horribly.

Conversation dialogue differ from excellent and horrible playing.

7. True Colors


Time: Spring 7 – Spring 16, Year 2. (Can be triggered as soon after event 6)

Requirements: seen event 6.

8. Ocarina Performance 3

Location: In front of your house

Time: Summer 6 – Summer 11. Aurellia

Requirements: Aurelia has 1 heart or more (70FP).

9. Don’t mind

Location: In front of your house

Time:Summer 6 – Summer 28, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 3)

Requirements:Aurelia has at least 2 hearts(80FP).

10. Childhood

Location: Church

Time: Summer 6 – Summer 23, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 9 )

Requirements: Aurelia has at least 2 hearts (90FP)

11. Try blowing it…

Location:In front of your house

Time:Fall 2 -Fall 7, Year 2.

Requirements: Aurelia has 2 hearts or more(100FP)

12. Concert

Location: Church

Time: Fall 2- Fall 7, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 11)

Requirements: Seen event 11. You can try to play the game once a day until

Fall 30. You must success at least once or you’ll fail the


12. Great Day

Location:Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Winter 7 -Winter 12, Year 2.

Requirements: Aurelia has 3 hearts (110FP).


7. The Tale of Harvest Goddess Temple


1. Advice from the Goddess

Location:In front of your house

Time:Winter 25- Winter 29, Year 1.

Requirements: Have mine at least 25 times.

2. The deeper part of the mine?

Location: Mine

Time:Winter 25 Year 1 – Spring 5 Year 2. 6AM – 6 PM only.

Requirements:Seen event 1.

3.Security Confirmation


Time:Spring 7 – Spring 11, Year 2. 6AM- 6PM.

Requirements:Harvest Goddess has at least 1 heart (40FP). Has mine more at least

30 times.

4. Discovery of the Shrine Entrance

Location:In front of the house

Time:Spring 16- Spring 21, Year 2.

Requirements:Harvest Goddess has more than 1 heart (50FP). Has mine more at

least 40 times.

Note: Automatically move to the Mine area when the events going on.

5.Where’s the key?

Location: H.G. Spring

Time: Spring 16 – Spring 26, Year 2. (Can be triggered as soon after event4)

Requirements: Seen event 4.

Note: You’re given time until Summer 30, Year 2 to find the key.

6. Found the Key

Location:H.G. Spring

Time:Fullmoon (29/30th) of any season. 6PM – 00 AM

Requirements: You must have a moonlight stone in your rucksack when you want

to trigger this event.

Note: Key Item [ Moonlight Key] is added to your inventory.

7.The Door Opens


Time: Spring 26 – Fall 6, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon as you find the Key)

Requirements: Seen event 6.


Location: In front of your house

Time: Fall 11 – Fall 15, Year 2.

Requirements: H.G has at least 2 hearts (80FP).

Note:Answer [ The Shrine is found ]

9.All You can Eat

Location:H.G. Spring

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements:Seen event 1-8.

Note: All vegetable selling price is increased by 10G.


8. The Tale of Silver Fish


1.Woodie’s Concern

Place: Maple Lake

Time:Fall 26 – 10 Winter, Year 1. Tuesday/Thursday only. After 10 Am

Requirements: Be friends with Kurt & Joe (30FP)

Note: You’ll find Joe around the lake, talk to him.

2. Fishing in the village

Place:In front of your house

Time:Winter 22- Winter 27, Year 1.

Requirements:You must have fished at least once.

3.Fishing for newbies

Place:Maple Lake

Time:Spring 9 – Spring 23, Year 2. Tuesday/Thursday. After 10AM.

Requirements: Have fished at least 5 times

4. The Messege from Angel

Place: Carpentere’s house

Time:Summer 5- Summer 11, Year 2. Any day except Tuesday/Thursday

Requirements: Joe & Kurt have at least 1 hearts (40FP).

5. The Phantom fish is found?

Place:Maple Lake

Time:Summer 16 -SUmmer 30, Year 2. TuesdayThursday only. 6 PM

Requirements: Must have fished at least 10 times

6. Handmade Fishing Rod

Place:Carpenter’s house

Time:Summer 16 – Fall 7, Year 2. Any day exvept Tuesday/Thursday.

Requirements: You can now ask certain people about “Kurt’s Fishing Rod”

7.The Moonlited lake at night

Place: Maple Lake

Time: Fall 12 – Fall 21, Year 2. Tuesday/Thursday only. After 6 PM.

Requirements: Must have completed event 6.

Note: You can start trying to fish for the Phantom Fish if you already

get the Kurt’s Fishing Rod. Then the date shall be change to Summer not


8. The Phantom Fish!

Place: Maple Lake

Time: Fall 30 /Summer 30, Year 2. After 6 PM .

Requirements: You’ve completed previous events

Note: You’ll be able to catch the Phantom Fish soon after you cast.

New questions added ” The Fish Scales”.

Triggered depends on when you get the Kurt’s Fishing Rod.

9. Its on the magazine

Place: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Fall/Winter 11- Fall/Winter28 (depend on when you catch it.

the even will triggered a season after the season you catch the fish)

Requirements: Katie, Joe and Kurt must be in the Cafe.

10. The Phantom Fish Amulet

Place:Maple Lake

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements: Seen the previous events

Note: The price of all fishes will raise by 10G. They’ll be selling “Phantom

Fish Amulet” for 750G.


9. The Hundred Years Old Cherry Tree


1. The Presence About 100 years cheery bloosom tree.

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 6 -Winter 10, Year 1.

Requirements: Either Parsley or Tim has 2 hearts (50FP)

Note: If both have 2 hearts the one with highest FP will come.

2. Getting Lumber

Location: Carpenter’s house

Time: Winter 6- Winter 18,Year 1.(Can be triggered as soon after event 1).

Any day except Tuesday and Thursday.

Requirements: Seen event 1.

Note: A new question conversation [ Interior’s Lumber] is added.

3.Leave it to Parsley/Tim

Location: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Winter 6 – Winter 20, Year 1. (Can be triggered as soon after event 2)

Requirements: Seen event 2.

Note: The conversation is different depend on who’s coming.

4.Location found

Location: In front of your house

Time: Spring 6 – Spring 10, Year 2.

Requirements: Parsley or Tim has more than 1 heart(55FP). Seen event 3.

Note: The one with highest FP will come.

5.100 Years Cherry Tree Sapling is Found.

Location: In front of your house

Time: Spring 26 -Spring 30, Year 2.

Requirements: Either Parsley or Tim has 2 hearts (60FP). Have seen

event 4.

6. The Passageway

Location: In front of your house

Time: Summer 8 – Summer 13, Year 2.

Requirements: Either Parsley or Tim has 2 hearts (65FP)

7. Treasure Found 1

Location: In front of your house

Time: Fall 18, Year 2 onwards

Requirements:  –

Note: You get strawberry, corn and watermelon seed.

8. Treasure Found 2

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 2, Year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 7.

Note: You get lumber

9. Treasure Found 3

Location:In front of your house

Time: Winter 15, Year 2

Requirements: seen event 8.

10.Cherry Blossom Seed

Location: Flower Shop

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements: Have seen event 1-6.

Note: The cherry blossom seed is now available in the shop for 90G


10. The Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival


1. Grandfather’s friend 1

Location: Beach

Time: Summer 16- Summer 20, Year1.

Requirements: Be friends with Martha (10FP).

2. Grandfather’s friend 2

Location: In front of your house

Time: Fall 15- Fall 19, Year1.

Requirements: Be friends with Woodie (15FP)

Note: You’ll move to the Beach when the event happens.

3. Grandfather’s friend 3

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 11 – Winter 16, Year 1.

Requirements: Be friends with Wallie (15FP).

Note: You’ll go to the H.G Spring during the conversation.

4.For Dia

Location: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Spring 6 -Spring 11, Year 2.

Requirements: The 3 elders must have 1 heart (30FP to each of them)

Must have seen event 1-3.

Note: You won’t be able to find Martha and Woodie when event 4 is taking place.

5. It’s Torn Apart

Location: H.G Spring

Time: Spring 6 – Spring 15, Year 2. (Can be triggered as soon after event 4)

Requirements: Seen event 4.

Note: You’ll get key item [Fragments of the H.G. Statue]

6. The Carpenter’s Wish

Location: Carpenter’s Area

Time: Spring 6 – Spring 20, Year 2. (Can be triggered as soon after even 5)

Requirements: Seen event 5.

7. Woodie’s Messege

Location: Clove Villa

Time : Spring 6 – Spring 25, Year 2. (Can be triggered as soon after event 6)

Requirements: Seen event 6,

Note: You’ll get key item [ Martha’s Addition ]

8. Addition

Location: Sun Garden Cafe

Time: Spring 6 – Spring 30, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 7)

Requirements: Seen event 7.

9. Nearly Completed Statue

Location: In front of your house

Time : Summer 28 – Fall 1, Year 2.

Requirements: All the three eldes must have 1 heart or more (40FP each)

10. Completion of the Goddess Statue

Location:In front of your house

Time: Fall 10, Year 2.

Requirements: Seen event 9.

Note: This event will takes place instead of the Harvest Festival

11. Thanks to Everyone

Location: Plaza

Time: Winter 8, Year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 10.

12. The Enthusiastic Woodie

Location: Plaza

Time: Spring 1, Year 3 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 1-10

Note: [ Woodie’s Souvenier] is added to the souvenier shop for 2500G.


11. The Holy Masterpiece


1. The Legendary Painting

Location: In front of your house

Time: Summer 9 – Summer 13, Year 1.

Requirements: Be friends with Tim (20FP)

2.Underground Church

Location: Maple Lake

Time: Fall 1 – Fall 5, Year 1.

Requirements: Have mined at least 20 times. Have seen event 1.

3. Finding the Underground Entrance

Location: Mine

Time: Fall 6- Fall 10, Year 1.

Requirements: Be friends with Chester(20FP)

4. Suspicious Monument

Location:Maple Lake

Time: Fall 11 – Fall 27, Year 1.

Requirements: Seen event 2.

5. Found the underground

Location: Maple Lake

Time: Fall 11- Winter 4, Year 1.(Can be triggered as soon after event 4)

Requirements: Chester must have more than 1 heart (30FP). Seen event 4.

Note:You’ll find the underground church.

6.Chester’s Request

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 8 -Winter 12, Year 1.

Requirements: Must have mine at least 30 times. Seen event 5.

Note: You’ll have time until Winter 29, Year 1 to finish his request.

7. Looking Forward

Location: Maple Lake

Time: Winter 8 – Winter 29, Year 1.(Can be triggered as soon after event 6)

Requirements: You must have one Blue Rock, Rare Metal, Mineral Crystal, and

Orihalcum in your rucksack to trigger the event.

Must have seen event 6.

8.The Holy Painting

Location: In front of your house

Time: Spring 1- Spring 7, Year 2

Requirements: Must have mined at least 40 times. Seen event 7.

9. The Priest’s Plot

Location: Maple Lake

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements: Must have seen event 1-8.

Note: The souvenier shop will now sell [Suspicious Godddess Goods] for



12. The Tale of Horse Champion


Note: You must have done the part time job at Starling Ranch before.

Everytime you  do part time job +2FP to Bob.

All the tracks used for the race are long distance tracks.

1.Question about the ranch

Location: Starling Ranch

Time: The first time you do part time job

Requirements: Do part time job for the first time at Starling Ranch.

Note: Answer [Yes] and get +10FP to Bob.

2.Get a horse

Location: In front of your house

Time:Summer 2- Summer 6, Year 1.

Requirements: Bob has 1 heart (30FP), and you do not own a horse.

Note: Bob will come and give you a horse. You choose the color, read

[Horse] section about choosing colors.

3. The horse condition

Location: In front of your house

Time: Summer 12- Summer 16, Year 1.

Requirements:Bob has 1 heart (30FP) and the Horse have 1 heart (22AP)

4. Invitation to Join the Race

Location:In front of your house

Time:Fall 15- Fall 19, year 1.

Requirements:Bob has 1 heart (40FP). Horse have 1 heart or more (42AP)

Note:You wont get this event if you has triggered the Mechanic Horse(Mecha


5. V.S. Bob

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 6 Year 1- Spring 16 Year 2

Requirements: Bob has 1 hearts or more(50FP). Seen event 3.

Note: Difficulty level- easy. Tips: Use herbs

6. V.S. Gwen

Location:In front of your house

Time: Winter 6 Year 1- Spring 17 Year 2.(can be triggered as soon after

event 5 )

Requirements: Seen event 5.

Note: Difficulty level-medium.

7. V.S. Mechanical Horse FS

Location:Horse Race Track

Time: Spring 22, Year 2.

Requirements:Seen event 4.

Note: Mechanical Horse will have an absolute win.

8.V.S. Mechanical horse SS

Location:In front of your house

Time:Spring 23,Year 2

Requirements:Seen event 7.

Note: Its a 1:1 match. Its recommended to use herbs or other thing that

increases stamina.

9.The Trial Result


Time:Summer 2 – Summer 6, Year 2.

Requirements:Bob has 2 hearts(70FP). Have seen event 8.

10. A Toast

Location: Flower Shop/Item Shop area

Time: After Summer 7, Year 2 . After 12 PM.

Requirements: Seen event 9.

11.Technology and Talent

Location:Starling Ranch Pasture

Time:Summer 20, Year 2. After 8 AM .

Requirements: Do part time job on that day. Seen event 10.

12.Horse Cookies

Location: Starling Ranch shop

Time: Spring 1, Year 3. After 8 AM .

Requirements:Seen event 1-9.

Note: The shop will sell horse cookies now.


13. The Secret Fossil


1. The Rumor of the Fossil

Location: In front of your house

Time:Fall 16 – Fall 20, Year 1.

Requirements: Rudolph has at least 1 heart (40FP)

2. Hiding the Fossil

Location: In front of your house

Time: Winter 15 – Winter 19, Year 1.

Requirements: Have mined at least 25 times

Note: The mine layer 4 B would be unlocked.

3.Close Call

Location: Mine

Time: Winter 21-Winter 25, Year 1.

Requirements: Seen event 2. Rudolph has at least 1 heart (40FP).

4. Report from the company

Location: Infront of your house.

Time: Summer 16- Summer 21, Year 2.

Requirements: Seen event 3. Rudolph has more than 1 heart(50FP) and has mined

at least 30 times.

5.Fossil Excavation: Arms

Location: Mine

Time: Fall 8, Year 2 onwards. After 9 AM.

Requirements:Seen event 4.

Note: This is part of the dinosour fossil.

6.Fossil Excavation: Legs

Location: Mine

Time: Fall 21, Year 2 onwards.After 9 AM.

Requirements: Seen event 5.

Note: This is part of the dinosour fossil.

7.Fossil Excavation: Body

Location: Mine

Time:Winter 3, Year 2 onwards. After 9 AM.

Requirements: Seen event 6.

Note: This is also part of the dinosour fossil.

8.Assemblying the Parts

Location: Mine

Time: Winter 16, Year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 7.

9.The Dinosour Fossil

Location: Mine

Time: Spring 1, Year 3 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 1-4.

Note:Dinosour fossil appears in the mine.


14. Louis the Inventor King


1. Opposition towards Machinery materials

Location: Item Shop

Time: Winter 6- Winter 12, Year 1.

Requirements: none

Note: He’ll ask you to find a few materials for him, you have time until

Spring 5,Year 2 to get them.

2.Production Start!

Location: Item shop

Time: Winter 6 Year 1- Spring 5 Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 1)

Requirements: Seen event 1. Have copper ore, silver ore, and Lumber in your


3. Introducing Scarecrow

Location: In front of your house

Time: Spring 26 – Spring 30 Year 2.

Requirements: Loius has at least 1 heart (40FP). Seen event 2.

4.The News of Machine Break Away

Location: In front of your house

Time: Fall 11 -Fall 15, Year 2. Anyday except Wednesday.

Requirements: Loius has more than 1 heart (55FP). Seen event 3.

Note: You’ll have time until Fall 29 to complete the task given.

5. Powered-up Scarecrow

Location: Item shop

Time: Fall 11 – Fall 29, Year 2.(Can be triggered as soon after event 4)

Requirements: Bring gold ore and orihalcum in your rucksack.

6. Against Mechanical Crow

Location: In front of your house

Time: Fall 14- Fall 29, Year 2. Except Wednesday and Saturday

Requirements: Seen event 5.

7.Louis’ Research

Location:Item store

Time: Winter 8 ,year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 6.

8. High Tension

Location: Item store

Time: Winter 15 ,year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 7.

9. Developing

Location: Item store

Time: Winter 22 ,year 2 onwards.

Requirements: Seen event 8.

10. The Tower of Scarecrow

Location: Flower/Item shop area.

Time: Spring 1, Year 3.

Requirements: Seen event 1-6.

Note:There will be Scarecrow Tower in the Flower/Item shop area.


15. The Legendary Baker


1.Bread Pledge

Location:In front of your house

Time: Summer 16-Summer 27, Year 1.

Requirements: Ronald has more than 1 heart(50FP), have shipped at least 64 crops

2. Do You Sell It In the City?

Location: Food Store

Time: Summer 16 – Summer 27, Year 1.(Can be triggered as soon after event 1)

Requirements: Have seen event 1.

3. New Type of Bread

Location: Food Store

Time: Fall 5- Fall 9, Year 1.

Requirements: Ronald have more than 1 heart(55FP). Have shipped at least 68


Note:You’ll be given 5 seeds of the new type of breadfruit. Plant it and it will

grow on the 9th day after daily watering. You’re given time until Fall 27,

Year 1 to complete the task.

You’ll get key item [ Treasure Breadfruit].

4. Better products

Location:Food Store

Time: Fall 5 – Fall 27, Year 1.

Requirements: Bring the Treasure Breadfruit key item in your rucksack.

Note: You’ll be given another 5 seeds of the new breadfruit variety, plant it

on the small patch in H.G. Spring. You’ll be able to harvest it

in 9 days.

Key item [Treasure Breadfruit] is added to your inventory.

You’re given until Winter 14, Year 1 to complete the task.

5.Consider it done.

Location: Food Store

Time: Fall 4- Winter 14, Year 1

Requirements: Bring the Treasure Breadfruit key item in your rucksack.

6.Sugar Lace

Location: In front of your house.

Time:Winter 16- Winter 20, Year 1.

Requirements: Ronald have 2 hearts (60FP). Must have shipped at least 72 crops

Have seen event 5.

7. This Year’s Best Bread

Location: Food store

Time: Winter 25-Winter 28, Year 1.

Requirements: Have seen event 8.


16. Shoot for the Stars


Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World! is the english name for

the Mecha Ending. It is named like that because your aim is to earn 50,000G

which is considered impossible for a small farm like what we have to earn that


The Mecha Ending is the ending that has several different endings depending on

your performance in Mecha Events which is part of the main story line.

Here are the 3 possible endings for Mecha Ending.

Note: I deliberately name this Mecha Ending A,B and C

Mecha A

How to get: Get 50,000G but stopped at the 4th mecha event. Alice and her two

companies will leave.

How to get: Get 50,000G and only triggered the first four mecha event

Mecha B

You stopped the construction by paying 50,000G, however at the end you pick

an option that doesn’t let Alice and her 2 personal asistances to stay.

How to get: Complete the Mecha ending and do not choose “I want to protect the


Mecha C- BEST

You stopped the construction of the Funland, Alice and her companies stay back

at the village.

How to get: Get 50,000G and choose ” I want to protect the village” at the end

of the mecha event.

To see the complete information about the Mecha event, refer to [MechaEvents]



17. Afterwords                                             [AfterEnd]


After you’ve completed the main storyline at year 2, you’ll be given option

either to continue playing, start a new game, or start a new game with your

assets transferred (similar to new game+ in RPG games).

*Note: The things that will be transferred are : Money, house extensions,

animals, recipe , fish prints, cleared-events table (on your balance sheets)

Depending on what alternative ending you choose, here are the changes that

will be seen on Spring 1, Year 3 onwards.

The Tale of Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail(Lyla)

You’ll see Blue Mist Flower blooms in the Harvest Goddess Spring area in


The Tale of the Endangered Weasel(Gwen)

You’ll be able to see the weasel around the Pike Mountain.

The Tale of Golden Potato Seed(Dia)

You’re able to buy the Golden Potato seed from Lyla’s flower shop for


The Tale of Harvest Goddess Dress(Gina)

You’ll unlock new costume for the protagonist.

The Tale of Cake Contest (Katie)

The rise in price of Milk G(480G) and golden egg(180G).

The Tale of Blue Bird (Aurelia)

There will be ocarin concert on 30th of each season in church.

The Tale of Harvest Goddess Temple (H.Goddess)

The price of all vegetables are raised by 10G.

TThe Tale of Silver Fish (Kurt & Joe)

You’ll be able to buy [Phantom Fish Amulet] for 750G from the souvenier

shop. The prices of all kinds of fish will be higher by 10G.

The Hundred Years Old Cherry Tree (Tim, Basil)

You’ll be able to buy [Cherry Blossom Seed] from Lyla’s flower shop for


The Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival (Martha, Woodie, Wallie)

You’ll be able to buy [Woodie’s Souvenier] from the souvenier shop for


The Holy Masterpiece (Chester)

You’ll be able to buy [Suspicious Goddess Goods] from the souvenier shop

for 98,000G

The Tale of Horse Champion (Bob)

Starling Ranch will sell [Horse cookies]

The Secret Fossil (Rudolph)

There will be Dinosaur fosill inside the mine

Louis the Inventor King (Loius)

There will be a [Tower of Scarecrow] built on the Flower/Item shop area.

The Legendary Baker (Ronald)

Ronald will fill in a television programme on year 4.(unconfirmed)

The Shoot for the Stars/ Mecha Ending (Alice)

You can choose to let Alice stay if you complete all the Mecha Event.

Other than that there are several other items thats automatically added:

– Carpenter’s shop

Extra bed (necessary for marriage requirements)

TV (you can watch the 4th channel)



more info about the price go to [Carpenter] section.

– There will be heart shown in Alice and H.G conversation window.

– Spring 7, the last Leaf Valley residence, Gol Dodo will come.

– You’ll be challenged to earn 100,000G in 2 years ( Winter 30, Year 4)

by your father.

nah itu semua ending ending yang ada di HarvestMoon HoLV yang terakhir banyak pke maaf -_-‘ .. tapi tapi KALO KALIAN ADA YANG GAK PAHAM TENTANG GUIDE HARVESTMOON INI ATAU MAU TANYA APAPUN TENTANG GAME INI SILAHKAN BERTANYA ! SILAHKAN COMENT ! 😀 😀 😀

Resep HarvestMoon Hero of the Leaf Valley Komplit

untuk bisa memasak kamu harus meng-up grade rumah sehingga ada kitchennya, selain itu kamu juga bisa menambah alat alat memasak lain dan meng upgrade nya di tokonya Louise, barang barang yang dimasak harganya akan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang belum so let’s cooking !

[ P O T ]

Strawberry Jam (160G)

Ingredients: Strawberry x3.

Cranberry Jam (100G)

Ingredients: Cranberry x3.

Blueberry Jam (100G)

Ingredients:Blueberry x3.

Veryberry Jam (140G)

Ingredients: Veryberry x3.

Mixed Jam (110G)

Ingredients: Veryberry, Bluerberry, Cranberry.

Orange Marmalede (130G)

Ingredients:Orange x3.

Apple Jam (120G)

Ingredients: Apple x3.

Cheese (500G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx3 or Milk Mx2 or Milk Lx1.

Cheese Risotto (600G)

Ingredients: Rice, Olive Oil, Cheese.

Hot Milk (180G)

Ingredients: Milk S.

Yogurt (350G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx2 or Milk Mx1

Fine Cheese (600G)

Ingredients: Milk G.

Onion Soup (100G)

Ingredients: Onion

Gazpacho (200G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion, Olive Oil.

Note: Gazpacho is spanish tomato-based raw vegetable soup.

Cream of Mushroom Soup (250G)

Ingredients: Mushroom (any type), Milk (any size)

Mushroom and Rice (330G)

Ingredients: Mushroom (any type), Rice

Carrot Soup (230G)

Ingredients: Carrot, Milk (any size)

Chestnut and Rice (220G)

Ingredients: Rice,  Chestnut.

Cream of Corn Soup (190G)

Ingredients: Corn, Milk(any size).

Tomato Cream Soup (180G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Milk (any size)

Porridge (210G)

Ingredients: Potato, Milk (any size).

Stew (300G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size),Butter.

Croquette (250G)

Ingredients: Potato, Olive Oil, Breadfruit.

Buttered Potato (260G)

Ingredients: Potato, Butter.

Tomato Risotto (280G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Rice, Olive Oil.

Pumpkin Soup (240G)

Ingredients: Pumpkin, Milk(any size).

Steamed Gold Potato (210G)

Ingredients: Gold Potato

Spinach Risotto (310G)

Ingredients: Rice,Spinach, Olive Oil.

French Fries (360G)

Ingredients: Potato, Olive Oil.

Mashed Potato (90G)

Ingredients: Potato.

Minestrone (200G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion.

Note: Minestrone soup is an Italian dish.

Boiled Corn (80G)

Ingredients: Corn.

Egg Custard (290G)

Ingredients: Mushroom, Fullmoon berry,Egg

Monkfish Stwe (310G)

Ingredients:Angler, Carrot/Potato/Corn/Pumpkin/Tomato/Spinach.

Fried Squid (180G)

Ingredients: Squid, Breadfruit.

Squid Rice (220G)

Ingredients: Squid, Rice.

Chicken Grunt Vinegar (330G)

Ingredients: Chicken Grunt (fish), Miso, Herb.

Fried Hunchen (350G)

Ingredients: Hunchen, Breadfruit , Olive Oil.

Marinated Sardines (290G)

Ingredients: Sardine, Olive Oil.

Pickled Char (200G)

Ingredients: Char, Rice.

Porgy and Rice (270G)

Ingredients: Porgy, Rice.

Fried Shrimp (330G)

Ingredients: Prawn, Breadfruit, Olive Oil.

Canh Chua (280G)

Ingredients: Blotched Snakehead,Tomato, G.Herb

Fried Leatherfish (200G)

Ingredients: Leatherfish, Breadfruit.

Grouper Stew (340G)

Ingredients: Kelp Bass, Potato, Vegetable, Carrot (pick one vegetable)

Clam Chowder (280G)

Ingredients: Clam,Milk (any size).

Marinated Salmon (280G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Olive Oil.

Salmon Cream Stew (330G)

Ingredients: Milk (any size), Butter, Salmon.

Miso Mackerel  (280G)

Ingredients: Miso, Mackerel.

Spanish Mackerel (360G)

Ingredients: Mackerel, Spinach, Prawn

Pike Rice (?)

Ingredients: Pike(fish) , Rice.

Seafood Stew (350G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size), butter, Fish (any type)

Seafood Risotto (360G)

Ingredients: Rice, Olive Oil, Fish (any type)

Marinated Octopus (360G)

Ingredients: Ocotpus, Olive Oil

Cod Soup (340G)

Ingredients: Cod, Miso, Carrot.

Dark Sleper Stew (320G) <Donko Fish Stew>

Ingredients: Vegetable, Miso, Dark Sleeper Fish.

Marinated Herring (270G)

Ingredients: Herring, Olive Oil.

Tiger Globefish Stew (340G)

Ingredients: Globefish, Vegetable(any type)

Stewed Masu Salmon (240G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Honey.

Boiled Octopus (90G)

Ingredients: Octopus

Boiled Egg (80G)

Ingredients: Egg

Boiled Lobster (140G)

Ingredients: Lobster.

Marinated Smelt (230G)

Ingredients: Smelt(fish), Olive Oil

Fried Smelt (180G)

Ingredients: Smelt(fish), Onion.

Stewed Fish (120G)

Ingredients:Salmon/Rainbow Trout.

Triangle Soup (240G) <Sanpei Soup>

Ingredients: Salmon, Vegetable (any type like spinach)

Loach Stew (260G)

Ingredients: Loach(Fish), Egg.

Bouillabaisse (240G)

Ingredients: Tomato, Fish (any type)


[ Frying Pan ]

Sandwich (400G)

Ingredients: Bread, Cheese, Boiled Egg, Tomato.

Jam Sandwich (300G)

Ingredients: Bread(bought from the shop), Jam (any jam except mixed jam)

Baked Apple (60G)

Ingredients: Apple

Assorted Platter (480G)

Ingredients: Cheesex3

Tomato Salad (340G)

Ingredients: Tomatox3.

Pancake (240G)

Ingredients: Breadfriot, Milk(any size), Egg.

Load Omellet (300G)

Ingredients: Egg, Mushroom, Nut, Vegetable (pick any)

Cheese Omellete (400G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Egg.

Fruit Omellete (290G)

Ingredients: Egg, Fruit (Apple/Orange/Grape)

Plain Omellete (250G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size).

Fried Egg (80G)

Ingredients: Egg.

French Toast (350G)

Ingredients: Bread, Egg, Milk(any size).

Omellet Rice (280G)

Ingredients: Egg, Rice, Tomato.

Fried Rice (250G)

Ingredients: Rice, Egg.

Sauteed Mushrooms (350G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Butter.

Fried Mushroom (80G)

Ingredients:Mushroom (any type)

Gourmet Mushroom Saute (400G)

Ingredients: Mushroom x2, Butter.

Sauteed Spinach (280G)

Ingredients: Spinach, Butter.

Buttered Corn (220G)

Ingredients: Corn, Butter.

Popcorn (240G)

Ingredients: Corn, Olive Oil.

Roasted Corn (80G)

Ingredients: Corn.

Fish Meal (300G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type),Vegetable(any type) or Mushroom or Nut or Herb.

Broiled Eel (130G)

Ingredients: Eel.

Pillaf (250G)

Ingredients: Rice, Butter.

Seafood Pillaf (410G)

Ingredients: Seafood, Butter, Rice.

Shrimp Pillaf (390G)

Ingredients: Shrimp, Rice, Butter.

Grilled Chub (60G)

Ingredients: Chub fish.

Teriyaki Swordfish (180G)

Ingredients: Swordfish

Butter-Fried Salmon (280G)

Ingredients: Salmon, butter.

Fish Cream Saute (550G)

Ingredients: Butter, Milk, Salmon

Porgy Carpaccio (280G)

Ingredients: Sea-bream, Olive Oil.

Broiled Broach (70G)

Ingredients: Broach (type of a fish)

Broiled Catfish (110G)

Ingredients: Catfish

Grilled Horse Mackerel (300G)

Ingredients: Mackerel, Mushroom.

Broiled Squid (90G)

Ingredients: Squid.

Rainbow Trout Kebab (290G)

Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Miso.

Teriyaki Amberjack (120G)

Ingredients: Amberjack.

Fried Lobster (230G)

Ingredients: Lobster, Butter.

Sauteed Clam (240G)

Ingredients: Clam, butter.

Fish Meuniere (350G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type), Butter, breadfruit.

Flounder Meuniere (370G)

Ingredients: Flounder, Breadfruit, Butter.

Tuna Carpaccio (260G)

Ingredients: Tuna, Olive Oil.

Tuna Steak (200G)

Ingredients: Tuna.

Stewed Rockfish (60G)

Ingredients: Rockfish(Red/Black)

Broiled Fish (120G)

Ingredients: Fish (any type)

[ O V E N ]

Cookies (220G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Butter, Egg.

Orange Cookies (270G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Orange.

Herb Cookie (200G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Herb.

Cake (240G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Egg

Carrot Cake (370G)

Ingredients: Carrot, Breadfruit, Milk(any size)

Strawberry Shortcake (340G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Strawberry.

Cheesecake (340G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Cheese.

Honey Cake (400G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Egg, Honey.

Fruitcake (320G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk (any size), Berry(any type)

Pumpkin Cake (330G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Milk(any size), Pumpkin.

Special cheesecake (400G)

Ingredients: Special cheese, Milk(any size), Breadfruit.

Muffin (180G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Very Berry, any fruits (apple/orange/grape)

Mont Blanc (350G)

Ingredients: Breadruit, Milk(any size), Chestnut.

Onion Bread (260G)

Ingredients: Onion, Breadfruit.

Herb Bread (120G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Herb.

Walnut Bread (210G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Walnut.

Butter Roll/ Bread Roll (170G)

Ingredients: Breadfruit, Butter.

Pudding (250G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size).

Fruit Pudding (280G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size), Berry (any berry).

Pumpkin Pudding (240G)

Ingredients: Egg, Milk(any size), Pumpkin.

Cornflakes (190G)

Ingredients: Corn, Milk(any size).

Cheese Potato (410G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Potato.

Pizza (520G)

Ingredients: Cheese, Tomato, Breadfruit.

Mushroom Gratin (440G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Milk(any size), Cheese.

Potato Gratin (460G)

Ingredients: Potato, Milk(any size), Cheese

Seafood Gratin (450G)

Ingredients: Milk(any size), Cheese(any type), Seafood.

Corn Bread (180G)

Ingredients: Corn, Breadfruit.


Ingredients: Rice, Milk(any size), Cheese.

Mushroom Doria (440G)

Ingredients: Mushroom(any type), Milk(any size), Rice.

Roasted Lobster (480G)

Ingredients: Lobster, Butter, Olive Oil.

Herb Grilled Fish and Mushrooms (320G)

Ingredients: Fish(Any type), Mushroom(any type), Herb.

Mediteranian Fish and Tomato (350G)

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Tomato, and Fish (salmon/flounder).

Roasted Fish (fish fry) (300G)

Ingredients: Salmon, Olive Oil, Breadfruit.

Foil Grilled Fish (130G)

Ingredients: Trout, Salmon, and one other fish.

Herb Grilled Fish (280G)

Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Herb.

Fried Clam (60G)

Ingredients: Clam.

[ M I X E R / B L E N D E R ]

Apple Juice (120G)

Ingredients:Apple x3

Orange Juice (140G)

Ingredients: Orangex3

Grape Juice (170G)

Ingredients:Grape x3

Tomato Juice (120G)

Ingredients: Tomatox3

Mix Juice (130G)

Ingredients:Apple, Orange, Grape

Vegetable Juice (180G)

Ingredients:Potatoes, tomatoes, carrot

Strawberry Milk (100G)

Ingredients:Strawberry, Milk

Butter (450G)

Ingredients: Milk Sx3 or MIlk Mx2, or Milk Lx1

Ainame Miso (360 G)

Ingredients:Ainame Miso

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